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Galena Lions Charities

The "Charities" arm of the Galena Lions Club is a registered non-profit corporation organized under the Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c)(3). All funds raised by the Lions Club from public contributions are managed by a Board of Directors who are responsible for distributing the money collected to bona-fide charities or individuals who are in need of assistance for food and or vision care.

Charities Supported

The Galena Lions Charities will continue to support new and existing programs and organizations in need of financial and other types of support. So the members of the Club expect to change and or expand the numbers of projects that will be receiving aid from " Charities" funds.

What follows below is a listing of currently financed programs and projects. They are not the only things we do to help our community.

College Scholarships

Students who are permanent residents of Kent County Maryland and who areattending Washington College in Chestertown, MD compete for annual scholarships awarded by the Galena Lions Club. Typically, two or three awards are made each academic year.

Galena Volunteer Fire Company

Little needs to be said about the importance of maintaining a high quality Fire Company to provide emergency services for the community. The Galena Volunteer Fire Company is there to help citizens and the Lions Club provides financial suppport to the company. Also many Lions Club members are also Fire Company members.

A major holiday activity for the Lions of Kent County Maryland is the distribution of both food for needy families and gifts for their children. Funds are donated by each Lions Club in the County and by many other members of organizations and schools throughout the area. People in need are identified by the Kent County Department of Social Services, school officials and local churches.

Food and gifts are gathered in early December of each year at the Chestertown Fire House but in 2011 this activity will be conducted at the Kent County Community Center in Worton, MD. Lions and others prepare the boxes containing donated goods and foods purchased from a food bank. Then in one day as many as 600 boxes are distributed by Lions Club members, Volunteer Fire company members and others. This is truly a service to people in need in our County

LeaderDog Foundation

The LeaderDog Foundation receives annual contributions for the training of dogs to help the visually disabled. This program is supported by the Lions Clubs International but much of the funding comes from local Lions Clubs such as the one in Galena MD.


Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins Medical School

Visit the Lions Vision Research Foundation Page for much more information about how funds are used to support low vision resarch and how to contact the Wilmer Eye Institute.


Local Community Needs

The Galena Lions Club stands prepared to help people of our community who encounter situations calling for assistance beyond what those individuals may be able to afford in time of need.

People in need of eye examinations, treatment and glasses are assisted on an as need basis.

The Club maintains and also distributes a wide selection of home care hospital equipment such as beds, wheel chairs and walkers. The equipment is available because residents have donated it to the Lions Club.